Indoor decoration and environmental protection knowledge

From: Hunan Kesiyi Building Materials  Date:2019-04-24 10:04:33  Hits:135 
Modern city life is busy and tense, a warm home can bring everyone the most relaxed leisure time. But how do you make your home warm and cozy? With a few tips, it's easy to create a pleasant home. Life Home Xiaobian for you to prepare a series of fashion information from house decoration to home decoration, to help you have a relaxed and comfortable life.
Autumn to summer, the weather gradually cool, decoration began to "hot" up. Experienced people know that autumn decoration has many advantages, such as because of the dry climate, wood board is not easy to return to moisture, paint, paint is easy to dry, but at the same time, there will be some special decoration sequels. Xiaobian specially interviewed some experts, and sorted out some notes, in case of autumn decoration households pay attention to.
Remind me to ventilate frequently to prevent pollution
The pollution produced in the decoration process has already become one of the most concerned problems, and has seriously affected People's Daily life. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that decoration take advantage of the autumn wind, often maintain ventilation, improve indoor air quality; In addition, reduce the on-site operation of paint and wood products, try to choose brand finished products; "Less board" has become the consensus in the decoration, furniture to use solid wood or solid wood and board mixed type, paint and adhesives and other accessories also choose a good reputation brand.
In short, the decoration owner must grasp the material, construction and detection in the decoration process, so that it can basically prevent decoration pollution.
Remind two wallpaper need water to prevent deformation
In recent years, a wide variety of wallpaper is favored, but Xiaobian reminds to use wallpaper decoration households, autumn must give wallpaper water. In summer, because the air is humid, wallpaper, wall cloth in the shop is not very troublesome: after normal construction, open the doors and Windows to let the wall dry quickly. Because the autumn climate is relatively dry, so wallpaper, wall cloth must be soaked in water before the shop "water", and then brush glue shop paste; After the shop, can not be as open as the summer doors and Windows to let the wall quickly dry, so easy to make just spread good wallpaper by the "draft" blow dry, thus losing water deformation. Therefore, in autumn, pasted wallpaper, wall cloth wall to natural dry.
Remind three wood seal oil to moisturize
The cool autumn air is dry, the wood will not return to damp, and the paint is easy to dry, but if not properly prevented, it will also bring some trouble. Experts advise against placing wood arriving at the site in a ventilated area, and oil sealing of higher-value wood, otherwise the surface of the wood will develop small cracks due to rapid water loss. Used as the edge of the wood line for solid wood texture, water content is higher than the decorative panel, after the completion of processing, but also to seal the surface oil as soon as possible, if the wood line inside the water loss, the wood line will appear shrinkage phenomenon, may also affect the appearance of the decorative panel.
Remind four style tone to four seasons suitable
When the climate turns cool, people will unconsciously like some warm colors, causing illusion and misdirection to the visual senses. Therefore, we should objectively examine our tendency in the purchase of building materials, give play to the space imagination, and create a home environment that suits our own climate in each season.
Remind five autumn repair do not rush
Wood floor shrinkage, plate seam increase, different materials at the interface seam...... No hurry! Experts point out that spring and summer have been decorated room into autumn, may be due to dry and frequent temperature changes, moisture volatiliation and material shrinkage will cause different degrees of cracking and gaps, these are normal conditions, can be repaired, but it is best not to repair immediately. Because at this time the cracking is due to the moisture in the wall is gradually volatilized, if at this time repair good moisture volatilized "channel", water is still continuing to volatilize, so it will find a new "channel" - the wall is still likely to crack again. Therefore, in the autumn repair should pay attention not to worry, should wait until the next spring, after the four seasons temperature difference obvious change, dry crack and deformation problem no longer development of one-time repair, and then let the decoration company to repair, the effect is good.
Remind six fire and explosion prevention is very important
Decoration materials are mostly flammable, and the paint, coatings, diluents used in decoration and other highly volatile, its explosion concentration limit is 1.5% to 1.7%, within this range encountered starting electric tools, plug power socket and other small sparks may cause danger.
Therefore, experts remind, paint, paint, diluent storage place must be and live operating tools to maintain an appropriate safe distance.
Remind seven beware of holiday disease sloppy finish
Autumn decoration of more people, engineering team and workers often in order to catch up with the project and ignore the quality. In addition, the autumn and winter is the season of traditional Chinese festivals, most of the construction workers in the home improvement industry will go home for the holiday, so this time they work relatively fast, so compared with other seasons, the phenomenon of autumn workers dawdling, delay time is relatively rare, but in this way, the life will inevitably be rough, so small remind the owners of the acceptance project must be careful, Strict control.
In addition, due to the decoration season, many brand goods are out of stock or varieties of uneven situation, even pay the deposit may not have goods, so to plan in advance, the specific requirements to be reflected in the deposit agreement in writing, so as not to delay the construction period.
After autumn decoration 4 ways to make home practical and beautiful

Autumn to summer, the weather gradually cool, home decoration began to "hot" up. Autumn home installation has many advantages, such as because of the dry climate, wood board is not easy to return to damp, paint, paint is easy to dry, but at the same time, there will be some unique home decoration sequelae. Seasonal climate on the impact of home decoration is diverse, serious will cause a lot of waste, rework, and even lead to the failure of home decoration.
First, home style color to four seasons suitable
When the climate turns cool, people will unconsciously like some warm colors, causing illusion and misdirection to the visual senses. Therefore, we should objectively examine our own tendency in the purchase of building materials, play the space imagination, and create a home environment that is suitable for our own climate in each season.
Two, wood seal oil to moisturize
In the process of home decoration, there are many consumers in the summer decoration due to the water content in the air, usually put the wood in a ventilated place, dry water, but in the autumn home decoration to try to avoid such a practice, because the autumn climate is dry, the moisture in the wood will be quickly lost, the surface dry crack, small cracks, so the wood after processing, as soon as possible to seal the surface oil.
Three, taboo caused by air drying paint water loss
In summer because the air is humid, in order to let the wall dry as soon as possible and open the doors and Windows ventilation. While the autumn climate is dry, if the doors and Windows are opened at this time, so that the wall surface just brushed is naturally dried, the paint or wallpaper will lose water rapidly, resulting in shrinkage and deformation. So it is best to let the wall dry naturally, in the process of drying indoor only a small amount of wind for air circulation.
Four, autumn repair don't rush
Autumn due to dry, the room due to moisture volatilization and material shrinkage will cause different degrees of cracking and cracks, these are normal conditions, can be repaired, but it is best not to repair immediately. If at this time repair good moisture volatilization "channel", water is still continuing to volatilization, so, in autumn repair should pay attention not to worry, should wait until the next spring, after the four seasons temperature difference obvious change, dry crack and deformation problem no longer development of one-time repair, and then let the decoration company to repair, the effect is good.
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