How to Make Yourself Prosperous: Detailed Explanation of Fengshui Knowledge in the Living Room

From: Hunan Kesiyi Building Materials  Date:2019-06-14 10:04:25  Hits:143 
"Yi" in the "Six Arts" of traditional Chinese culture tells about the four-position philosophy of our country, which has been partly reflected in the study of feng shui. Today Xiaobian will take the living room feng shui as an example, to see what the living room feng shui knowledge, what is the most worthy of our attention, later can also refer to as a lesson.

Living room Feng shui knowledge - open the door to see the living room

We all know that the living room is the place to receive guests, so the correct living room decoration design is a door can see the living room, but if we are in the design, arrived in the living room must first through the bedroom or kitchen, it will make the residential isolation is not clear, the privacy of life can not be guaranteed.

Living room Feng shui knowledge two - living room decoration avoid sharp objects

Nowadays, friends often have their own opinions on decorative items, and generally hang some ornaments with strong personality on the wall. But here, Xiaobian should remind you that even simple ornaments are exquisite. Some too sharp items, such as swords, firearms, MEDALS and animal specimens, should not be hung on the wall. Because all of these items can produce negative air, which can lead to arguments or violent behavior.

Living room Feng shui knowledge three - living room photos avoid privacy

In geomantic omen, photos of girls and couples, especially private ones, should not be hung on the living room, because the living room is used for greeting guests. As the saying goes, "the heart of the person must be protected", if the photos of girls and the hostess are too naked, it is easy to attract danger, so in accordance with geomantic omen tradition, it is generally not recommended to place such photos.

Living room Feng shui knowledge four - living room decoration practical is the key

Many friends in order to cater to the modern decoration, in the planning and design of new homes to show off their wealth, like to refer to the decoration of five-star hotels, high-end restaurants or nightclubs, the living room made magnificent, but beautiful but not practical. This kind of living room in the beginning feel quite fresh, but soon will find that there is always something missing, at home is better than in a restaurant, restaurant or nightclub, this will lead to marriage problems. We recommend decorating the living room or comfortable, warm, practical and free for the principle.

Living room Feng shui knowledge five - living room lighting should be bright

As the old saying goes: "Ming hall dark room", refers to the living room lighting to bright, ventilated principle. In addition to bright and airy in the living room during the day, it is necessary to pay special attention to that the light source must be turned on before going to bed at night. Some people in order to save electricity, if no one in the living room at night, used to turn off the lights in the living room; Or some people in order to create emotional appeal, even in the living room watching TV do not turn on the light.

Living room Feng shui knowledge six - living room display bogey false flowers

The living room display false flowers and false grass based on plants easy to breed mosquitoes and spend a lot of time to take care of, so some families like to display false flowers and false grass in the living room, there is nothing wrong on the surface, and in feng shui on the "false" image is not good, for a long time in the "false" image, people will gradually no longer pursue "true", and then when the feelings are fragile, it will bring the host and hostess marriage problems.
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